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In our classroom, we have been learning all about learning our single-digit addition number facts, our single-digit subtraction number facts, the relationship between addition and subtraction facts and different strtaegies for mental computation (ACARA). Through engaging with ICT based programs, IXL and Mathletics, the students are able to revise their understanding, practice a variety of mathematical scenarios and develop new understanding and knowledge at their own pace.


Learning mathematic concepts through ICT has allowed our students to not only progress at their own pace but also  become engaged in the concepts and develop a stonger understanding. While progressing at their own paces, students are able to ensure they have developed a concrete knowledge of the concept before moving onto different areas of learning. 


Here is what the students say about Mathletics.


















Mathletics has had a very positive impact on students in a vareity of different schools across the country. Below are some links to information on how Mathletics is helping their students excel in mathematics:












Each student is assigned their own individual username and password for their IXL and Mathletic accounts and you are able to access the websites from home. You are able to keep track of their progress, create a summary of their leaning achievements and goals and log on to access the content and materials at home. Through using these site, students are able to engage in math work from home in a fun and exciting way, creating more interest in participating and less 'i dont want to do homework' time. 


We engaged the use of ICT within the classroom to assist Harry to learn his 3 times tables. Harry's learning styles are strongly linked with musical intelligence and he was struggling to recall his 3 times tables without mixing up the numbers. 


We came across a company that creates muscial jinges for all of the times tables. Since implementing this in the classroom, Harry has been able to recall the song and is now able to recall his 3 times number facts without mixing up the numbers.


We have found that in our classroom, this particular form of ICT was a fantastic tool, not only for Harry, but also for other children who couldnt remember all of the number facts. This piece of technology was placed within the classroom, for easy access for the children whenever they need to engage with it. As a class, we are able to insert anyones name into the song. 

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