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Connecting Through ArtLink

The above video demonstrates how children can connect with others in the world by showcasing 6 out of the  huge 140 classrooms, spanning 22 different countries, that connected together to participate in this years artlink. Artlink is a non-for-profit organization which aim to educate young people by encouraging awareness, appreciation and understanding of everone's cultures. Artlink provides a learning place where children from all over the world can come together and share their creativity and imagination. It provies a spaces where children can discuss their similarities and differences in their understandings and representatons and work together to develop new understandings. More information about artlink can be found on their blog. 

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Researching Ideas and Understanding

ICT within the classroom allows our students to engage with a variety of learning experiences and develop greater understanding of the context. Through engaging with ICT, students are able to freely explore and research their interest and further their personal understanding. They are able to find information on how their learning relates to their real world knowledge and are able to gain a concrete understanding of this knowledge and how it will  help them in their lives.


ICT provides opportunities for students to  investigate and develop their understandings of how to operate in the social, cultural, political, economic and ideological world (Developing Pedagogies for Multilitericies, p. 56). 

Photo by Brad Flickinger on Flickr under Creative Commons licence.

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Sharing Knowledge

ICT in the classroom allows students to share their knowlegde and undertsanding with other children, not only in their classroom but also within their residential community, broader state and even around the world. In Wilma Gordon's blog she discussed the importance of incorperating ICT into the learning needs of children. 


For many learning styles, being able to share and receive knowlegde in different formats is how they are able to comprehend and retain that new knowledge. ICT enables our students to explore, generate and share that knowledge to help themselves and others. 

Photo by Brad Flickinger on Flickr under Creative Commons licence.

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Children Connecting The World



Through the use of ICT within the classroom, our students are able to connect with a variety of people from all around the world. Through access to sites such as Children Connecting to the World we are able to assist our students with connecting with other people and children all over the world. This enables our students to share their ideas and knowledge while gaining new understanding of how other children in the world live and learn.


Through connecting our student's with others using predetermined and managed websites, we are reducing the risk of our children being exposed to inappropriate content and people. Through using approved websites, we are able to monitor the access and materials being shared with our children.  

Photo by Brad Flickinger on Flickr under Creative Commons licence.

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